When my 70 year old father stopped taking acting assignments, even though he was being considered, it got me thinking, " What if he had a personal assistant? Would this allow for him to work longer and would they know how to help him best?"
Now, that I am over 50 myself, I will soon be considered a "senior citizen" as well~Ha! So, before my menopause memory slips anymore, I thought I would put together the starts of a much needed list, which will be ongoing, of course, and open to suggestions. The idea here is to get more of our precious, older, actors, parts written for them of course, and working longer if desired!
Q. Young PA's, what should be on the supply list for your older Indie clients?
A. Depends...
No..... really? Yes, really! I don't mean it depends on the older person, I mean literally, "Depends!" Ha! After all, accidents happen!

(Help, I can't get up!)
Denture supplies/veneer care

Toothpaste and toothbrush
breath mints ( Does my breath stink?) The older we are, the more taste buds we lose and pile on that hot sauce!
Lap blankets ( We get chilled easily)
An assortment of reading glasses ( We always forget ours or lose them)
Dry throat lozenges ( Many older clients are on drying medications, plus hormonal changes for women at mid-life cause "desert mouth")
Moleskin for bunions and blisters.

Viactiv ( Because Vitamin D and calcium should be in divided does during the day and your client is on the go!)
Their favorite perfume or cologne.
Insurance information always on that smart phone!
A second or third pair of shoes, ( They may be attending different events and need to change back into something comfortable for awhile!)
Disposable razor and tweezers.
Portable iron
Stain remover ( for those accidents during a quick lunch)
Hearing aid batteries ( Nothing more embarrassing than going for an interview and have your batteries go dead!)
Massage lotion/BenGay
Their favorite drink, teabags, stevia sweetener, bottled water.
( Because many clients are using retinoids or have had laser work or injections done recently)
Baby wipes and hand wipes.
Contact lenses and care
Nail clippers
Moustache and beard care products
Diabetic care
Smart phones, tablets..etc.. ( You are their tech person! To be tech savvy is very important!)
http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/02/designing-digital-technology-for-the-elderly/ Make sure your client can see the blooming thing, for God's sake~Ha!
Scarves ( older necks get chilled, plus, age shows on up on fragile neck skin easier. Always have one handy as they have 101 uses!)
Changes of clothes ( Just in case client is in accident, heaven forbid!)
Hand lotion
Temporary firming lotions
let's see...there is so much more to discuss but time does not permit it at the moment, as I have a beer and music festival to attend in the morning, so, this will be continued throughout the week.
I thank you for stopping by and hope to see all you crazy kids soon!
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