In the past few days, the arguments going on about Cecil The Lion have been most trying, filled with anguish and anger.
Most people have accused others of not caring, or not caring enough, or not caring about the right things or caring about a certain group of people.
But, I see something entirely different. I see hope.
I see that people do indeed care. They care about it all. They care about black, white, red, green, and fuzzy.
They care deeply and passionately. They care very much about human lives, but, I believe, Cecil made it easier to express these feelings.
It's called transference.
Sometimes it is easier to express emotion toward an animal then another human being because it reflects a more innocent time when we felt we could protect the helpless being left in our care when we were children.
My uncles were big game hunters who went to Africa every year. The house was always filled with lifeless heads and skins. I never cared for it but never spoke of it because I was just a child.
But, those were different times. It was the sixties then and although it was not something I would ever be proud of, it also was not condemned the way it is now.
There are more and more creatures becoming extinct now though and pleasure killing has become abundant, or perhaps looked at with more perspective.
I do not have all the crucial details to judge why my uncles did what they did. They immersed themselves in the culture and communicated with the tribes when they were there, but I have little detail...... and, so, perhaps, they were just jerks.
For whatever reason, perhaps to counterbalance the loss, my uncles, and one aunt, also had a preserve park where I spent many weeks in summer, riding their park train and walking with the mascot, Cecil The Llama, (Yes, another Cecil..). One day Cecil, and many other of the animals in the park, were shot one day by a sniper. Even though he was caught, I never quite forgot the incident.

Now I look at some of these pictures and I am horrified. I don't know if it is because of age, wisdom, or social changes and influence, or, perhaps, a little of both. The world changes and sometimes we change with it. We get lost and clouded, and at times great clarity.
The idea, I suppose then, is to find balance in this world full of loses and gains, but more importantly, love and compassion in every avenue we take and every journey we go on.
RIP Cecil The Lion and Cecil The Llama. You make us realize we are more human then we thought imaginable.
The plight of my awful lizard skin!Ha!
When my 70 year old father stopped taking acting assignments, even though he was being considered, it got me thinking, " What if he had a personal assistant? Would this allow for him to work longer and would they know how to help him best?"
Now, that I am over 50 myself, I will soon be considered a "senior citizen" as well~Ha! So, before my menopause memory slips anymore, I thought I would put together the starts of a much needed list, which will be ongoing, of course, and open to suggestions. The idea here is to get more of our precious, older, actors, parts written for them of course, and working longer if desired!
Q. Young PA's, what should be on the supply list for your older Indie clients?
A. Depends...
No..... really? Yes, really! I don't mean it depends on the older person, I mean literally, "Depends!" Ha! After all, accidents happen!

Knee pads for difficult scenes of simple squatting.
(Help, I can't get up!)
Denture supplies/veneer care

Toothpaste and toothbrush
breath mints ( Does my breath stink?) The older we are, the more taste buds we lose and pile on that hot sauce!
Lap blankets ( We get chilled easily)
An assortment of reading glasses ( We always forget ours or lose them)
Dry throat lozenges ( Many older clients are on drying medications, plus hormonal changes for women at mid-life cause "desert mouth")
Moleskin for bunions and blisters.
Prune juice
Viactiv ( Because Vitamin D and calcium should be in divided does during the day and your client is on the go!)
Their favorite perfume or cologne.
Insurance information always on that smart phone!
A second or third pair of shoes, ( They may be attending different events and need to change back into something comfortable for awhile!)
Disposable razor and tweezers.
Portable iron
Stain remover ( for those accidents during a quick lunch)
Hearing aid batteries ( Nothing more embarrassing than going for an interview and have your batteries go dead!)
Massage lotion/BenGay
Their favorite drink, teabags, stevia sweetener, bottled water.
( Because many clients are using retinoids or have had laser work or injections done recently)
Baby wipes and hand wipes.
Contact lenses and care
Nail clippers
Moustache and beard care products
Diabetic care
Smart phones, tablets..etc.. ( You are their tech person! To be tech savvy is very important!) Make sure your client can see the blooming thing, for God's sake~Ha!
Scarves ( older necks get chilled, plus, age shows on up on fragile neck skin easier. Always have one handy as they have 101 uses!)
Changes of clothes ( Just in case client is in accident, heaven forbid!)
Hand lotion
Temporary firming lotions
let's see...there is so much more to discuss but time does not permit it at the moment, as I have a beer and music festival to attend in the morning, so, this will be continued throughout the week.
I thank you for stopping by and hope to see all you crazy kids soon!
Today I need to briefly mention again that written English is not the first language of the deaf, sign language is.
I can understand some of the confusion as I was quite confused up until five years ago.
I, by no means, can begin to comprehend what it must feel like to be born full deaf, so I therefore lack expertise on these matters, but, I do know that my deaf friends struggle with the construction of written sentence. Reading is also challenging for them since, as far as I know, there aren't any book written in ASL.
ASL does not transfer over to English, plain and simple.
The language of the deaf is quite effective all on it's own. Think of the way many of you make use of the middle finger. It gets the message across quite clearly in one simple gesture!
Many of you have asked since I did not begin to lose my hearing until ten why would I struggle with written language?
Timing and location, location, location!
What do I mean by that? Well, as many of you know, I was adopted, so, there was little indication to prepare for such a thing.
Although, I was born in Hollywood and raised in surrounding areas, I lived ten years in a celebrity destination point about two hours outside of Los Angeles, California. The rural school districts at that time, and even most now, are not equipped to handle hearing impaired students. When I begin to show signs of struggle, mainly from not being able to comprehend or process information, I was put in many "one size fits all" special education classrooms with teachers who just did not have that kind of time for me and were probably unaware that it was my hearing causing the problems.
I am sure if my parents had picked up on this earlier I would have been sent to a deaf school in the big city to learn ASL.
I am what I like to call an in-betweener, and no, not the British sitcom, or a teenage subgroup, but, rather I am neither full deaf, nor am I able to function effectively as a hearing person. I often carry a notepad with me everywhere I go because, although of the ADA ( American Disability Act) my rights are protected, I am often frowned upon in most establishments since an interpreter can't just be called in. Believe me, I am just as exasperated as they are!
So, why don't I learn sign language? Well, I have been, but, one must keep in mind that the full deaf have been taught sign and deaf culture straight out of the womb! It takes years to become quite efficient and even then it does not cover all of the different regions and the "street language".
Do I read lips? Well, yes and no, It is an art not a science~ha!
And, lip reading is exhausting!
Most people who meet me in a close up and personal, one -on- one situation, are unaware even of any impairment, but, a crowded room can have me spinning in circles!
More soon!
Oh, the injustice! There are people out there needling me because I want to, at last, take singing lessons.
Okay, okay, to be fair, it does seem a bit implausible ~ a deaf person singing?! Crikey, what was I thinking?!
It's true, I abhor social gatherings, crowds, bars, and comedy clubs.
I make a complete eejit out of myself in most venues, especially since my eyesight is failing me as well! I often go places and attempt to disguise myself as poorly applied wallpaper or hide under the coffee table with the dog. I have learned over the years, that if I remain motionless long enough I actually become a vegetable platter.
But, it wasn't always that way for me. Up until the age of ten, I had hearing within normal range. I was spunky and bold and made my first movie on an old Minolta auto-pak 8 D-6 super 8 silent movie camera, using the camp rat pack for actors.
Campfire time meant live theater and often I would use that same troupe for singing skits and The Beatles tribute band.
It was like breathing fresh air every time I went out.
To the dismay of my adopted family, Lord , love a singing parrot, I would not shut up! Ha! I copied every sound I heard, imitating everything from a kitten to a whistling teapot.
No one understood why.
Genetic memory could be the valid scientific explanation.
As a child I had a tiny innate access to the vast syntax and rules of music and language despite the increasing disability that took hold of me by the time I was a teenager.
After much research, I found that my birth family's history is rich in musical talent. My grandfather was a big band leader, my uncle a fiddle player in Texas, my father a lyricist and current resident of the famous alien crash site, Roswell.
I have only met one of them, my father, Douglas, who is also a character actor in his spare time. He is also deaf.
I have since learned, after a long awaited trip to explore my family history, that I have two brothers and a sister who suffer from the same genetic disorder of early onset, nerve damage, hearing loss.
As far as I know though, I am the only one who attempts to sing.
Many are thankful for that. One is bad enough.
Thanks for stopping by!!
Yahoooooozi! This just in!
Just a short post here to introduce something heading your way! A crowd funding success story!
Yes, I know I sound like a teenager, but, I love what I do and this crew is a fun bunch! Ha!
The up -and- coming, Indie, Sci-Fi, I have a tiny, tiny, part of helping produce is now 85% complete! Things are getting exciting for cast and crew! Director, Simon Cox is living the dream finally!
After being held hostage for many years by storm troopers, Simon, much to the our relief, was released to make his movie, " Kaleidoscope Man!"
If you find you have a moment it would mean so much to Simon and I, if you could stop by and take a gander at the website!
The fabulous John and Rebecca in one of our old campaign posters. Photo by the equally fabulous Ian Dangerfield!
John and Ian hard at work
The wonderful Vince Mack in a pod!
Co-Producer, Mark Robbins and Simon Cox battling it out! Ha!
For more fun photos and updates please join in at our Facebook and Twitter page as well! TRAILER!
The silent pages of my most discreet, tender, and ignominious thoughts have now become a commerce of exchange and mockery.
My mind flows with the same amount of traffic in this humbling moment as it weaves in and out of tapering vision and tears.
The impression I laid down in earlier post was quickly gathered up by many and woven into something beyond recognition.
It was an ugly mass of twine to some and to others a divine tapestry.
My response to this held the same ambiguous flavor to it.
I tried to choose the latter assessment, but, my heart did not.
It was just months ago, that I was the faint outline of a painting waiting to be filled with substance and color. I was a novel unwritten, an inept amateur seeking a muse.
I sought to woo, dance, and court with those who came to mingle.
I envisioned an empty room that would be filled with lavish ornament, where only a few would turn into a lustrous glow for me to see.
I felt I had been robbed of an opportunity to seek and cultivate a desire when a sudden gust of wind blew through the embellished parlor I sat down in to rest. All I could see was the enticing image before me.
I wasn't certain this visitant that brushed right through me was even tangible. I reached into the vacant, gelid, air, grasping at a forgotten dream, a pastime of composing love letters and song with the utmost of care. A chance to entice, tease, entangle, and harmonize. I knew though that my melody would go unheard on this apparition that glided freely through the air. It needed to breathe constant fresh air.
I, too, reeked of staleness when I stood still.
Months have gone by now and my movement is much more fluent.
Those lingering thoughts of desire have instead become my muse.
Many understand how difficult it was for me to express my sentiment in recent post, while others mock my juvenile prose, unable to discern what it means to adore or be disabled.
When the winds have died down and the fire mellows, I will still be here because the best fantasy is the reality we carve before us.
Oh goodness me!
Here I am lollygagging in the park again when I should be sharing the bushel and a peck of awesome art, Mark is putting out as of late!
Well, Mark always puts out.....wait, let me finish the sentence before you get your panties in a wad~ha!
Mark is busy, always busy, and busy in a way that makes me feel like I am on a permanent holiday.
So, If you enjoy your home being the center of attention, loud gasps from your mother, provocative, sometimes, button pushing, art, then this is the Etsy shop for you!
I love the fact that when people walk into my living room they just stare, mouth gaping wide open, and point, " Look!"
Here are some sure winners to get this delightful reaction!
Now 50% off on this handsome fella!
What? Can't take a joke?
Eat me! Or in my case, bite me~ha!
Or, how about some sweeter than honey on Rambutan with these?
Something for everyone!
And, of course, my favorite and many of yours, Poe baby!
In time for Halloween!
So get cracking folks, get it while it's hot! Liven up those boring, bare, white walls with a little bit of naughty and nice!
Here is the link!
See you all soon!