Saturday, June 27, 2015

My indoor slip and slide

                                       Wow! What a week! 

The temps have soared into the 100's and my face is melting! 
 I have spent most of the days trying to pull my undies out of the crack of my ass, all while being super glued to the leather couch. 

 Yesterday a bottle of olive oil suddenly burst open cracking the glass container in half and spilling it's contents all over the kitchen tiles. Most of it was invisible to my naked eye until stepped on, then I suddenly found myself on a kinky, indoor, slip and slide, ( minus the other girls).

I must live under a rock because I had no idea they actually had tag teams for this "sport"~Ha! 

Anyway, I'm sure no one wants to read about naked girls rolling in oil and boring things like that.......

On an all too serious note, as I was leaving the hospital yesterday and pulling out onto the main road, a car driving down the right lane, burst into to flames right in front of me! A huge cloud of thick, black, smoke, prevented me from going any further. Within minutes, I could make out a fire truck, soon followed by other emergency vehicles. When the air cleared about five minutes later, all I saw was this~ 

Suddenly, having bottles burst in my apartment, is the least of my worries. I only hope this poor person made it out alive. 

More soon!  

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