Winnie's First Ride
Winnie never rode the mechanical bull until tonight. It didn't matter that she came alone because she had plenty of people to cheer her on. The Blind Horse Saloon was more crowded than usual. It was two hours away from where she lived but definitely worth it. A loud birthday party with obnoxious drunk people went on in the corner of the huge room. Waitresses weaved in out of the crowd while men in large hats starred at their supple young asses as they whizzed by. The Blind Horse was famous for its two bars serving amazing local brews, and homemade pretzels. The house band was exceptional tonight making it impossible to get on the dance floor without doing some serious grinding with a total stranger.
Winnie somehow managed to get past all of that and make her way to the bouncing big tits and massive thighs that clung tightly to the bull. She silently prayed the bitch would fall off.
When she finally did, the crowd groaned and Winnie laughed. She was never the girl on the bull and this irritated her to no end.
"What am I afraid of?"
The crowd of drunks around the bull begin to push and shove spilling beer all over themselves trying to decide who would go next.......then out of the blue Winnie found herself shouting out in almost a loud shriek, '"I will!"
" What the fuck? Did I just say that out loud?!" Winnie held both hands over her mouth but it was too late. The drunk men drooled all over her and slurred their approval. She looked out of place in her real estate coat and took it off and placed it on a sticky table.
" Get on up there, girl" An older man with blotchy skin and a crap excuse of a beard motioned her. No one was really in charge. At least she didn't think so.
The bull made her spread her legs further than she anticipated and she slid off on the first try. The group of young girls that had already gone laughed at her, especially the fat bitch wearing shorts that were two sizes too small for her.
Winnie ignored them and re- mounted the bull like it was a king size cock waiting to pleasure her.
Winnie rode it hard , Brazilian style, squeezing her thighs hard enough to choke a sailor on shore leave. As she relaxed more her free hand fluttered like a flag in the wind.
The dive nearly ground her but she quickly learned to dig her heels in like the cock boss she was becoming. The crowd was becoming a blur of faces and their voices echoed in unison. "Ride it .......ride it..... ride it hard!"
She thought she saw a man by the sticky table where she left her coat, but after she swirled around again he was gone. That brief moment caught her off guard and she was instantly thrown to the mat below.
Winnie didn't have any trouble making friends after her ride. Several men offered her a drink and the skinny bitches in the front gave her a thumbs up and raised their glasses. She had done well and allowed herself to feel the immense pleasure building up inside herself.
On her third drink, she knew she had enough and ate the giant , salty, pretzel the man with the ruddy complexion bought for her. " You surprised us girl, put us old bastards to shame...." He offered her more beer but she waved it away. " I surprised myself", she spit out between a mouthful of pretzel, " I didn't think I had it in me". The little girl in her blushed and put her hands between her thighs and interlocked them. She leaned forward, giggled, then stood up.
"It's a long ride back to Charlotte, Gentlemen......and ladies" she added, acknowledging the one women who sat at the table. They all looked surprised. She guessed they all took her for a Greenville girl.
Winnie's three inch boot heels made a clopping sound as she made her way through the parking lot. She wished she would have waited and circled the car around one more time before parking down a side street. It was one in the morning, but the heat of the day still lingered on the sidewalks. She hadn't realized she left her suit jacket behind until she reached the car.
"Oh fuck......" she mumbled and threw her purse on the floor of the car. She shoved the car keys into her front pocket and clopped on back down the side walk loud enough to wake a sleeping dog who appeared from behind a curtain in a motel she passed. He barked twice then disappeared.
" Shit......." Winnie paused in her step then resumed in an exaggerated tip toe.
A man chuckled as she passed behind the saloon. At least she thought it was a could had been a woman. The was so much noise coming from the building and every once in awhile an intoxicated person would fall out the back door shouting and laughing nonsense then go back in. The Blind Horse was known for it's corybantic behavior and on more than one occasion some drunk fucker would fire a gun inside. Winnie knew she should have had an escort.
" Hello Winnie Barter" A strange, slender man said from under the delivery awning.
" You've never rode before tonight....what made you ride tonight?"
Winnie face crumpled up into an inquisitive frown. He appeared to be holding her suit jacket. He saw her looking down at it and bit his lip then smiled like Satan had just pleasured himself.
" Oh, I thought I'd save you the trouble..." He patted the coat that was folded neatly on his arm.
" Would you like it?"
"What the fuck?" Winnie thought as she slowly walked towards him with an out stretched arm. The strange man took a step back then smiled again.
"No, no, no," he scolded her with a waging finger, " ...not until you tell me what made you ride tonight."
Winnie would have been more frightened but she was still reeling with pleasure and satisfaction. She studied his face. It was a mix of mountains and valleys, a weaving river, and a blue sky. " Where did you get that scar?" Winnie suddenly asked.
He lifted his eyebrows in surprise, then chuckled. " You first. Why did you ride tonight?"
He took another step back, then another.......into the dark.
" Give me my coat!" She shouted.
He disappeared behind a delivery truck. " Why did you ride tonight Winnie Barter?"
His voice echoed, then whispered..........
" Did it feel good between your legs? Did you feel it rubbing against your snatch?"
" Did this asshole really think I was going to follow him?!" Winnie shook her head in disgust.
Suddenly he appeared before her, then quickly swung around with his hand wrapped tightly around her throat and held her close. " Did it get you wet?"
He was stronger than she had anticipated...much stronger!
She could feel his erection as he pressed harder and harder against her, repeatedly slamming her into him.
"Was it like this?" He shouted in her ear in panting shrieks.
She could feel him fumbling with his zipper with his freed hand, but every attempt she made to slide away from him resulted in his other arm tightening around her.
He reached around and unbuttoned her slacks and pulled on them until they dropped below her knees. Winnie gasp for air, then tears begin to roll down her cheeks as she whimpered from behind the delivery truck.
He sank deep and hard into her, thrusting with spit, sweat, and anger.
"Why did you ride tonight Winnie Barter, why?...."
"Thrust" "Thrust" faster and faster............ He came inside her with a huge gasp, then Winnie dropped and crumbled to the concrete ground and whimpered.
Winnie thought it was over but he pulled out a shiny blade and held it against her tear stained cheek.
"I had too, I had too!" Winnie heard herself say.
It became very quiet for a moment. The music and the crowd could be heard as it undulated through the parking lot.
" I had too because it mocked me." " It always sat there mocking me. I had to tame the beast. "
He let go for a moment as if he could no longer hold on, then Winnie collapsed in a heap, groaned and rolled on her side quietly sobbing. When she looked up, he was gone.
Her suit jacket sat nearby all folded and neat.
Winnie had become obsessed with the news after her incident. She often fingered herself in her sleep while dreaming about this shadow man with the weathered, scarred skin and the crooked smile.....what a sick fuck she had become!
She scanned the Internet and papers for news of other incidents hoping she could learn his name, and write it on her steamy bathroom mirror, like a wet, teenager in love.
But, he slipped quietly through the months like a coyote on a dark, desert plane.
She wondered if he was getting any pussy.........
Winnie grew restless and horny. The nice men on her street corner bar bored her.
The dildo, shampoo bottles, cucumbers and ice, were an embarrassment!
The bull at The Blind Horse Salon laid damp and steamy in her mind and she knew where she would soon be. She had to be!
He would come. He would watch in some hidden, dark corner, with raspy breath and dripping in sweet sweat.
He would come and he would wait and Winnie would ride once more!
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Saturday, March 18, 2017
A short horror metaphor
And other unknown species
The full moon seemed to come early this month.
I wasn't prepared as usual. The cage and the closet hadn't been cleaned yet.
I had put myself on a diet over the last six months, allowing only six men a season.
The surplus had grown scarce and smelly and it was time to stock up again on fresh, supple, bursting with blood, tasty morsels.
My husband and I had worked it out years ago with the promise I would never eat him. Although, there were times after I licked the sweet sweat from his arms, I was tempted to taste the juicy insides.
It had come so close on several occasions that it was worked out that I would either be in my cage for the moon or I would be allowed to keep the drunk stray men that wondered through the yard in search of pussy.
I really wasn't happy with either, but this fucked up curse, this fucked up life, left me without a choice.
The men weren't so bad on occasion, especially if they screamed like little baby men or had just eaten fresh water salmon, and cherry berry pie.
I really wasn't happy with either, but this fucked up curse, this fucked up life, left me without a choice.
The men weren't so bad on occasion, especially if they screamed like little baby men or had just eaten fresh water salmon, and cherry berry pie.
I liked the after-taste as it teased my tongue long into the night.
I would curl into a ball drenched in blood and bone. The sticky, sweetness of the floor brought me immense joy and I would fall into a deep sleep surrounded by my kill of oozing flesh.
I was particularly famished this month. My mouth was dry and my teeth and jaw hurt from the mouth guard. I felt achy and my muscles hurt. The Femiron and rabbits had stopped working long ago.
I was particularly famished this month. My mouth was dry and my teeth and jaw hurt from the mouth guard. I felt achy and my muscles hurt. The Femiron and rabbits had stopped working long ago.
I needed a man!
A thick, meaty, bursting with testosterone and sweat, kind of man. The hairless and bald ones were the best. I could sink my teeth right into the flesh without having to spit out the hairs. It was a waste of time and interfered with my dining pleasure.
I left early that night so I could sit on the bench that overlooked the river and watched the sun slowly slid down behind the mountains like a yellow orange creamsicle crush on a hot sidewalk.
As the darkness approached, the bats fluttered by barely escaping contact with my gaping mouth. I was in search of bigger and better things than bone and rubber though.
The first stray man of the night wandered into our yard. I could smell him bursting with the scent of familiar flavors, layered with bovine, leporidae, and.....serpent??? Is that even possible? I suppose it was, they say it takes like chicken.
I wanted something different tonight and my man was a connoisseur of exotic fare!
I was pleased, but where was he?
The first stray man of the night wandered into our yard. I could smell him bursting with the scent of familiar flavors, layered with bovine, leporidae, and.....serpent??? Is that even possible? I suppose it was, they say it takes like chicken.
I wanted something different tonight and my man was a connoisseur of exotic fare!
I was pleased, but where was he?
I should've been able to hear him by now as he snuck away, stumbling and murmuring, drunk and full of charming slurs. It was always the same.
"That bitch, that wily little cunt, she thinks she owns me....." " I'm gonna tap that hot ass next door...." "suck me baby, suck me...."
I was more than happy to suck it in than bit it off at the hairy little base.
"Fuck.....where was he?"
I decided to get up and get ready to turn. That lazy ole moon would give me time to undress and rub my goose pimpled flesh with oil.;It made it easier to do the turn. It was coconut oil tonight. I was feeling tropical.
" I loooooooove that smell" He purred in a baritone tone voice.
"Christ! Where did you come from?"
" I've always been here."
The man with the tantalizing scent suddenly stood before me. My eyes widened as I held my hands before my breasts. I could feel my nipples harden and my underarms sweat.
I was afraid I would turn right before him. Why was the moon taking so long?
" Which one of us should run first?" He asked. His blue eyes shown brighter than humanly possible at the crisp of dusk.
"Oh don't get dressed on my account. You look like a angel and smell like a coconut cream pie. " Then he laughed a maniacal, Charlie Manson kind of laugh, that would put anyone at unease.
I started to reach for my clothes but I knew the clock was ticking and I would soon be pricking. I didn't know if I should run or lick my lips, bare my teeth and bring out the napkins and fork.
"Oh, don't worry, I think we're looking for the same thing. " He sighed then made a chuckle.
" Who are you?" I swallowed hard as my mouth was even drier than before.
" You know who I am. You know me better than I know myself."
Fuck! I'm standing here naked on a full moon night , about to turn, and I get the fucking Joker himself. Why didn't I allow my husband to come out with me on hunting nights?
The moon started to rise with alarming speed! I begin to sweat as the hair rose up in the spaces of my tearing flesh. I couldn't stop the turn!
"Ladies first....." He teased with a sidewards grin, then he bowed before me.
I turned in a snap, crackle and a pop..and not necessarily in that order.
I could hear him next to me. It sounded like a beautiful symphony.
We cried in agony as our bodies ripped apart. The bone and flesh metamorphosing into a beast of a different kind.
Our hair grew long and silky, emitting a musky smell from layers of dead skin.
Our jaws grew large with teeth we bore as trophies, as if our mouths we always meant to be this way.
We snarled, snorted, and clashed. Then we circled, stretched, and played.
When the time was right we hunted. We shared a feast of massive flesh, savoring each morsel with our bloody, dripping mouths.
The dawn was upon us like an unwelcome visitor.
I woke in the arms of my husband, as I always had the morning after. He carried my bloody naked body into the tub and gently washed the slime and ooze from my skin.
He made me human again.
" Did you have a nice night, darling?" " Did you eat anyone interesting?"
I looked up at him with same loving eyes as I always had.
" I believe I did, my love, I believe I did." Then I sighed with immense satisfaction.

Sooooooo, did she eat the man she spent the night with?? And who is that blue eyed beast?
I'll never tell~Ha! Beware for further incidents!
Bite me, my loves! π❤
The Hysterical Deaf Woman
I was more than happy to suck it in than bit it off at the hairy little base.
"Fuck.....where was he?"
I decided to get up and get ready to turn. That lazy ole moon would give me time to undress and rub my goose pimpled flesh with oil.;It made it easier to do the turn. It was coconut oil tonight. I was feeling tropical.
" I loooooooove that smell" He purred in a baritone tone voice.
"Christ! Where did you come from?"
" I've always been here."
The man with the tantalizing scent suddenly stood before me. My eyes widened as I held my hands before my breasts. I could feel my nipples harden and my underarms sweat.
I was afraid I would turn right before him. Why was the moon taking so long?
" Which one of us should run first?" He asked. His blue eyes shown brighter than humanly possible at the crisp of dusk.
"Oh don't get dressed on my account. You look like a angel and smell like a coconut cream pie. " Then he laughed a maniacal, Charlie Manson kind of laugh, that would put anyone at unease.
I started to reach for my clothes but I knew the clock was ticking and I would soon be pricking. I didn't know if I should run or lick my lips, bare my teeth and bring out the napkins and fork.
"Oh, don't worry, I think we're looking for the same thing. " He sighed then made a chuckle.
" Who are you?" I swallowed hard as my mouth was even drier than before.
" You know who I am. You know me better than I know myself."
Fuck! I'm standing here naked on a full moon night , about to turn, and I get the fucking Joker himself. Why didn't I allow my husband to come out with me on hunting nights?
The moon started to rise with alarming speed! I begin to sweat as the hair rose up in the spaces of my tearing flesh. I couldn't stop the turn!
"Ladies first....." He teased with a sidewards grin, then he bowed before me.
I turned in a snap, crackle and a pop..and not necessarily in that order.
I could hear him next to me. It sounded like a beautiful symphony.
We cried in agony as our bodies ripped apart. The bone and flesh metamorphosing into a beast of a different kind.
Our hair grew long and silky, emitting a musky smell from layers of dead skin.
Our jaws grew large with teeth we bore as trophies, as if our mouths we always meant to be this way.
We snarled, snorted, and clashed. Then we circled, stretched, and played.
When the time was right we hunted. We shared a feast of massive flesh, savoring each morsel with our bloody, dripping mouths.
The dawn was upon us like an unwelcome visitor.
I woke in the arms of my husband, as I always had the morning after. He carried my bloody naked body into the tub and gently washed the slime and ooze from my skin.
He made me human again.
" Did you have a nice night, darling?" " Did you eat anyone interesting?"
I looked up at him with same loving eyes as I always had.
" I believe I did, my love, I believe I did." Then I sighed with immense satisfaction.

Sooooooo, did she eat the man she spent the night with?? And who is that blue eyed beast?
I'll never tell~Ha! Beware for further incidents!
Bite me, my loves! π❤
The Hysterical Deaf Woman
Monday, March 13, 2017
BlackBox Cosmetics!!
I'm on another great adventure!
This time off into the wild blue yonder of skin care and make-up and all that is right in a gal's world...okay, well, not all that's right as there is baseball and skiing and kicking my boyfriend's butt at football. We girls are complex and porcelain at the same time. π»
I love to get down and dirty, but I also love a good scrub up with a bit of touching up. I'm fussy and quite the perfectionist. It took me a long time to find something that would please me both Aesthetically and evidence -based. Voila!
In comes "BlackBox" ☮☮ Florida-based, sold worldwide!Organic! Non-toxic! Aloe-based! Paraben free! Apple Stem Cells! πππ
Chock full of goodies!!Antioxidants! Air tight containers that are refillable! Did I mention air tight containers? Ha!
This is very important! You don't want to waste a dime on this oxidating! Oh, now that we are on the subject of cost effective, these beauties are reasonably priced! Save π²π²π²π²π²
Here is one of the fabulous products you can get from me!
OH, OH, lots of vitamin C!! Several different kinds at that.
Super effective and with a hint of color!
Here is the link to my shopping cart!! I'm sponsor 1321 ππ
I will take you into the secret world of BlackBox Cosmetics, home to many women...and men! π€΅π€΅ The packaging and product is meant for both..for all! π΅π©π€°π―
WE have a great lash growth product for half of what you would pay in BIG, BIG, name brands!
I say WE because YOU can join my team and become a team member to a very new and hip company, that does not require parties, recruitment, and all the other pyramid stuff.
In the meantime, come visit my page and look around at all the organic goodies you can get for half the price of expensive brands! And NO ANIMAL TESTING! ππΆπ I personally do not know of any mice or rats that need a good eye liner! WE do not need to test things on Beagles!!
So, big hugs to you all and hope to see you soon!!
The Hysterical Deaf Woman ππ
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