From the Poe expert himself, Mark Redfield, along with his ultra fine East Coast cast, comes, "The Death of Poe," a precise, finely tuned, surreal, movie about the last few days before the great writer's death.
If you enjoy intelligent and imaginative theory, shadowy sets,
art house satisfaction, refreshing storytelling, and Poe, Poe, Poe, then, then set an evening aside for this rare pleasure, as I did one night.
" The Death of Poe" is now available to download for 3.99 on Vimeo or a mere .99 cents to rent! Follow this link to great entertainment from the Poe Forevermore Tales of Mystery and Imagination, glossy, ad free magazine!
Mark Redfield as Poe
The beautiful Jennifer Rouse as Mrs. Moran
Kevin Shinnick as Dr. Moran
In Sept. of 1849, Poe was making his way back home to NY, from Virginia, but for some reason never made it and was found
on the streets of Baltimore in very bad shape indeed!
What do you think happened?
This haunting movie certainly makes one wonder!
Also, while I have your attention, let's take a look at some of Mark's other great projects!!
Mark with the great John Astin! Together they did the audio delight of one of my favorites, "The Cask of Amontillado!"
And, look at that fun artwork in the center of them! That is also Mark's!
Check out his
Here are some of my favorites over the years!
Mark is heart and soul, that's what I like about him. He is passionate, creative, and honest, almost to a fault..but, hey, he is the real deal, no question about it! These traits show in his work!
Mark experienced an unexpected arson fire in his studio, and it would be great if any of you could donate a dollar or two to help him stay afloat. Help support a living artist!!
More soon good folks! Thanks for stopping by!!
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
The other Civil War: Examining "The Retrieval" (and more)
Okay, this is what you get for having a woman write about the Civil war ~ "Ha!" But, there were some serious bearded hotties in it!
It was back when men were men with their take charge manly, fuzzy faces and grand uniforms. They knew how to ride a horse, draw a sword, fire a gun, and load their canons!
As a little girl, I spent hours pawing over my Daddy's Civil War books, fascinated over how brother could go against brother, disgust over the bodies that littered the battlefields , and lust over the slender and bearded images.
In 1864, panty wetter number one, Grant, was appointed Commander-in- Chief of the Union armies.
Some silly willies believed a prominent New York newspaper claiming that lofty, lustful, Lincoln had issued a draft of 400,000 more soldiers, ( Yeah, they tried to mess with our minds back then too!)
And, my personal favorite, ultra hot, "Burning Sherman" sets Atlanta on fire and then heads for sizzling Savannah.
But, setting aside my wicked and inappropriate thoughts, there were other strong, proud, men of the civil war.
By March of 1865, the Confederate States of America agreed to use ( and I use all these words loosely) African American "soldiers" for labor, but allowing them firearms was a subject of great debate.
In total, both free and runaway slaves "joined" the fight and by the end of the war nearly 180,000 had entered the bloody war.
But, backing up a year, back to 1864, before the admittance of African Americans, a certain illuminating movie, called The Retrieval made me realize just what a struggle it was for these courageous men. The story follows a handsome young man, just thirteen years of age, as he comes to realize he must become his own man and make decisions that he can live with for the rest of his life. Under the guidance of two men trapped in their own strife and duties during a terrible war, one man, Marcus, ( Played beautifully by Keston John), who is guided more by his fear and ego, and the other man, Nate, (the handsome, Tishuan Scott), with his strength and pride, young Will, ( Played by Ashton Saunders), must decide what is right, even if he is not certain how the outcome will seal his own fate.
It is a stirring and poetic movie, often in color all too real, and moving at a pace that seems natural and believable.
The most tense parts were centered around the ruthless bounty hunter, named Burrell, ( Played by the arousing and intense, Bill Oberst jr.), who quickly wraps around your throat causing swirls of panic inside, and feeling the intimidation of what it meant to be even a "freed" slave.
As a Civil War fan, I enjoyed the movie with it's engrossing story, stirring soundtrack, and still moments.
If you have time, you may want to take a peek as it is streaming on Netflix right now...but,please, don't take too long, as Netflix has been known to pull the plug on things. I don't think this will be the case with The Retrieval though as it is very popular with folks!
Oh, speaking of the wonderful, Bill Oberst Jr., he can also be seen as Sherman on The History Channel here:
Well, folks, you have managed to survive more of my hysteria~ Ha!
Grab some popcorn, get comfortable, and watch a wonderful movie, like, The Retrieval, and be thankful none of these bearded fellows is shooting off their canon in your front door! (I didn't mean that the way it sounded~~~ Ha!)
Okay, this is what you get for having a woman write about the Civil war ~ "Ha!" But, there were some serious bearded hotties in it!
It was back when men were men with their take charge manly, fuzzy faces and grand uniforms. They knew how to ride a horse, draw a sword, fire a gun, and load their canons!
As a little girl, I spent hours pawing over my Daddy's Civil War books, fascinated over how brother could go against brother, disgust over the bodies that littered the battlefields , and lust over the slender and bearded images.
In 1864, panty wetter number one, Grant, was appointed Commander-in- Chief of the Union armies.
Some silly willies believed a prominent New York newspaper claiming that lofty, lustful, Lincoln had issued a draft of 400,000 more soldiers, ( Yeah, they tried to mess with our minds back then too!)
And, my personal favorite, ultra hot, "Burning Sherman" sets Atlanta on fire and then heads for sizzling Savannah.
But, setting aside my wicked and inappropriate thoughts, there were other strong, proud, men of the civil war.
By March of 1865, the Confederate States of America agreed to use ( and I use all these words loosely) African American "soldiers" for labor, but allowing them firearms was a subject of great debate.
In total, both free and runaway slaves "joined" the fight and by the end of the war nearly 180,000 had entered the bloody war.
But, backing up a year, back to 1864, before the admittance of African Americans, a certain illuminating movie, called The Retrieval made me realize just what a struggle it was for these courageous men. The story follows a handsome young man, just thirteen years of age, as he comes to realize he must become his own man and make decisions that he can live with for the rest of his life. Under the guidance of two men trapped in their own strife and duties during a terrible war, one man, Marcus, ( Played beautifully by Keston John), who is guided more by his fear and ego, and the other man, Nate, (the handsome, Tishuan Scott), with his strength and pride, young Will, ( Played by Ashton Saunders), must decide what is right, even if he is not certain how the outcome will seal his own fate.
It is a stirring and poetic movie, often in color all too real, and moving at a pace that seems natural and believable.
The most tense parts were centered around the ruthless bounty hunter, named Burrell, ( Played by the arousing and intense, Bill Oberst jr.), who quickly wraps around your throat causing swirls of panic inside, and feeling the intimidation of what it meant to be even a "freed" slave.
As a Civil War fan, I enjoyed the movie with it's engrossing story, stirring soundtrack, and still moments.
If you have time, you may want to take a peek as it is streaming on Netflix right now...but,please, don't take too long, as Netflix has been known to pull the plug on things. I don't think this will be the case with The Retrieval though as it is very popular with folks!
Oh, speaking of the wonderful, Bill Oberst Jr., he can also be seen as Sherman on The History Channel here:
Well, folks, you have managed to survive more of my hysteria~ Ha!
Grab some popcorn, get comfortable, and watch a wonderful movie, like, The Retrieval, and be thankful none of these bearded fellows is shooting off their canon in your front door! (I didn't mean that the way it sounded~~~ Ha!)
Friday, April 24, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
News today
Another suicide?
Oh, my heart goes out to the family of Sawyer Sweeten of Everyone Loves Raymond fame. He was just weeks away from his 20th birthday!
It is so sad to know that such a young life could have that many demons inside already!
The family asks that whoever is in your life at this moment, whether, it be sister, brother, spouse, friend, or pet, take a moment to cherish them and tell them they are loved!
I agree as there is nothing sweeter to hear and only takes a moment of our time to say! "I love you!!"
The other news going around, of course, is the 99 seat plan which will ask the intimate theatre to pay the 9 dollar minimum wage to all actors, thus, making it darn near impossible for most of them to survive.
That being said, you might want to go ahead and get that ticket for Jim Beaver's warm and witty play, Verdigris, before it is too late!
It only goes until the end of this week, folks!
And, last, if you can tell me who this cutie pie is, I will give you a 1,000 dollars! "hee..hee"
A hint? He is the hunk of horror!
See you all soon and don't forget to turn to the person next to you and show them some love! I know I'm loving YOU!
Dijon, my love
I don't know if I can write tonight.
My joy, my precious beauty of fifteen years is sick once again.
The cancer has haunted poor Dijon for almost four years now, returning again in the form of tumors and vile stomach sickness. She goes through long periods of great energy and appetite though, so the idea of dismissing her has been unthinkable.
The doctor is quite amazed that she is still around and puzzled that the medicinal mushrooms I have been giving her do seem to indeed least for awhile.
It is midnight now and Dijon's heart seems to be giving out. She has had a murmur for some time and treated accordingly, but, with her age and cancer, there is little to be done at this time, except keep her pain free and surrounded with all the love she can get.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Hollywood Grip of the Day
Don't date Hollywood.
Don't date an Hollywood actor.
Don't date an actor, period!
For two years I dated this lovely man, son of a Hollywood great, and one day he goes and blows his beautiful, fucking brains out on his couch with a shot gun. The time of death didn't match up from one account to another, so I'm guessing he laid there dying, cold and alone for over 24 hrs. No one wanted to add that part. I first found out about the censored version of it while in the grocery store line one evening.
His face was on the cover of a shitty National Enquirer newspaper of all things! The truly wonderful, giving, soul that he was and here he was shown little dignity or respect on the cover of a gossip and parody paper.
That's showbiz for you folks.
It's either Christ
or drugs
in Hollywood..not that I can blame anyone... because every morning you wake up and look in the mirror you have have to remind yourself that you are NOT the fat, fucking, worthless, untalented, piece of shit that you think you are.
If your parents were stars,
it's even worse. My friend's parents were top of the line.
So, the endless reminder to him was that he would never measure up.
It never went away. He struggled his whole life. Every day it was a question of why aren't you in better roles. Why aren't you your father? And why would he want to be? His father could be an awful shit at times, but, the public, of course, was never allowed to see that.
Things went sharply downhill for my friend when his younger brother could no longer live with the strain and committed suicide.
I missed that as well because I was off wallowing in my own self pity and struggling to somehow stand apart from the over powering shadow of my mother.
There are times I regret things so badly, that, I, too, have toyed with the idea of redecorating the couch and the wall behind it, but, I'm still here for now because either I am a coward or a fool.
I've since moved away from Hollywood and the general L.A. area and perhaps that has helped distance me from more repercussion,
but, silence itself can also let in it's own demons.
The boredom creeps in like the devil, presenting itself like a tonic but it turns out to be a vile toxin slowly killing me.
I find myself missing all the annoying street preachers, colorful tourists, bustling film crews, the endless theatre, traffic, and smog and must return to it like a haunting addiction that won't let go.
Hollywood will always be Hollywood.
She stands alone overshadowing all of us.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Artist of the Month
Mark Redfield!
Dedicated hard working passionate
This man knows Poe!
But, that's not all he knows..
Have a look at his gallery!
Happy customers!!
More at:
Mark is also founder and publisher of the wonderful magazine
Poe Forevermore: Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Every time I look at him my heart stops for a brief moment, then restarts again, charging like a racehorse in large "thumpity thumps" as, I am torn between the blue eyes and the chiseled body, he has worked so hard to achieve!
He can be both devilishly frightening and soft as a lamb all in the same moment. The kind of man that could make me shiver and shake as his fingertips made their way down my spine to the small of my back.
I only just discovered this mega talent recently, as I must admit I am not a fan of bloody gore or B movies, but, Bill Oberst Jr. really may not belong in either.
I am not here to give you a list of every B movie he has made in the last five years, but, he has certainly achieved a world's record of impressive creepy roles. His IMDB page looks like a monument of hard work with glittery star material just oozing out all over.
I can't remember the last time I was so excited about an actor.
What is it about this man? Could it be incredible dedication, his warm and genuine heart of gold, His willingness to expose his raw and wounded side, or the "me" I see inside of him?
One thing for sure, from the very moment Bill opens his mouth, we all listen, so, It is no wonder he has impressed us all with his life changing videos, on the "Film Courage"series, which not only helps the aspiring actor, but, the "dumbfounded" and "in love" aspiring writer, like me.
It is so refreshing to hear about an actor who is not all caught up in the Hollywood glitter and parties, and still loves his mama with all his heart. He may be "the man about town" but, you will often find him in character and costume, challenging us to push just a little harder to achieve are own goals.
I had all but given up, the weeks before I met Bill. My life was at an all time low with my hearing reaching eighty five percent loss, and my age kicking me in the rear without as much as an apology note. What am I going to do as an "over the hill" sassy and stubborn, deaf woman?! Who does anything grand at fifty?!
Well, Bill does ( He will be fifty this year--hard to believe!) , and he does it with wit, pride, and tremendous style!
He has encouraged me to not give up hope, as he has so many others. With his words and actions we are all encouraged to reach deep inside and find what makes us all different and how we can offer that to the world!
Here is the link to Bill's inspiring website which takes you on a tour of diabolical fun, and yummy bites of fear!
Enter if you dare!
And more! Updated 2017 and 2018! New projects!!!
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